Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Avocado,,,fat or fibre???

Every body know which one avocado is. A fat greeny skin with pear shape fruit , commonly found in tropical climates . But actually we can find this fruit evrywhere now. Avocado becomes a famous fruit because of its taste and soft-texture .

People assume that avocado contains lots of fat, that is very dangerous for someone who in diet . But that is nonsense , that is absolutely wrong . From some researches , the fact is avocado is very useful for diet , because it contains dietary fibre .

Not only a dietary fibre, here is the health benefit nutritions in an avocado :
1) Avocado contains 81 micrograms of caroenoid lutein which some studes suggest may help maintain healthy eyes .
2) Avocado contributes nearly 20 vitamins , minerals, and beneficial plant compounds that can contribute to the nutrient quality of diet .
3) Avocado contain an unmonosaturated fat that is good for decrease our blood pressure and cholesterol .
4) Avocado contains 76 miligrams of beta-sitsterol in a 3-oz serving of avocado . Beta-sitosterol is a natural plant sterol which may help maintain healthy cholesterol level.
5) Avocado contains vitamin E which is good for healthy and beauty skin . that's why avocado sometimes made as a cosmetic product .

So, after you read my blog, I hope that you can change your assumption about my favourite fruit . :D

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