Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Using Samba and Wine on Linux Debian

Hello all,,
few days ago, I got a job from my boss (hualah..gaya euy), actually from my seniors in Lab, they wanted us to hold one of linux type. And as i wanted, I got the quite_easy one, Debian . I installed Debian 5.0.1 lenny,,

Now, i will share some of my little knowledges about software in Debian,,
two of them are samba and wine

1. Samba
Samba is a software that allows you to do file-sharing to other computer in a same network . This is different with ftp, okay.. This samba is a packet of its Debian . So all the things to do if you want to install it is :

aptitude install samba

then if there is a yes-no question, please answer Y . Remember, you have to own the repository or connect your PC to the internet .
After installing samba, you only need to configure smb.conf with :

pico /etc/samba/smb.conf

uncomment security = user (it means that erase the ";")
then change it into security = share

after that, save your configuration . The next step is to make a shared folder with :

mkdir -p /home/shares
chown -R root:users /home/shares
chmod -R ug+rwx,o+rx-w /home/shares

if you want to trace the codes, just search it in manual .
Then restart your samba :

/etc/init.d/samba restart

Finish,,,now you can share your folders to others by right-click the folders and choose share..but remember, the file you want to share is copied to /home/share

ok....if you get confused, just ask in our forum :

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